Twitch announced today that “being found to be sexy by others is not against our rules.” The announcement came following conversations about Hot Tub streams on the service. While being found to be sexy is not verboten, it has created a new “Pools, Hot Tubs & Beaches” category. This gives advertisers flexibility to not target this type of video. Furthermore, Twitch reminds users about their existing policies. That includes like no “sheer or see-through” swimwear. Also, nudity is “prohibited.”

This all happened due to streamer Amouranth’s hot tub streams on Twitch. Amouranth is “professional cosplayer and variety streamer” Kaitlyn.
Amouranth was informed on May 18 that advertising was “indefinitely suspended” on her channel though she hadn’t violated an existing Twitch rules. However, Twitch has “complete discretion to target individual channels & partially or wholly” demonetize them for content that is deemed “not advertiser friendly.”

“Being found to be sexy by others is not against our rules.”
— Twitch, May 21, 2021
Twitch created the new category in response to Hot Tub streams, such as Amouranth’s. The cosplayer seemed happy that Twitch had created a whole new category for her. Her stream in the new Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches category Friday evening was drawing near 20,000 live viewers.
Some viewers reported since Amouramth’s advertising restored, but the streamer wasn’t sure. She will check her analytics at the end of the day to confirm.