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Gannett New Jersey Newspapers Form Union

Staff at the Bergen Record, the Daily Record and the NJ Herald say they have formed a union so they can “continue telling your stories.” The union was formed with the NewsGuild of New York to address a range of issues. Over 70 staff members have publicly signed a statement posted to their website.

Issues highlighted include:

  • Improve current poor health care benefits (particularly an issue now during a pandemic)
  • Increasing workloads and dwindling resources dedicated to local news. They’re asking for “higher wages, well-defined minimum levels of pay and a transparent and standardized system for promotion and pay increases”
  • Putting an end to unilateral changes and cuts to our retirement plans, and opposing unreasonable workloads and demands. Higher wages, well-defined minimum levels of pay and a transparent and standardized system for promotion and pay increases.
  • Greater protections against unjust terminations and reductions in force.
  • A seat at the table when decisions are made that affect their paper and their news coverage.
  • Advocate for greater diversity in hiring, coverage, and interaction with the communities they serve.

They have been received broad support from New Jersey leaders such as Senators Cory Booker, Bob Menendez and Governor Phil Murphy.

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