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Ella Balinska Stars in New SQUARE ENIX Title, Forspoken

Charlie’s Angels star Ella Balinska stars in new SQUARE ENIX title, Forspoken. This is the debut title from its newly established studio, Luminous Productions. Furthermore, the game was originally known as Project Athia when originally revealed last year.

Ella plays Frey Holland, described as “an ordinary young woman who must harness her magical abilities to survive in a fantastical and dangerous land called Athia.”

“As the first video game I’ve worked on, and growing up a huge fan of video games myself, it’s remarkable to see the incredible world and story of Forspoken come together, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. Frey as a character is real, she’s raw, she’s a girl who lost her way—both figuratively and literally—and is a character I immediately connected with, as I feel many people around the world will too when they set off on this adventure.”

— Ella Balinska

Ella’s character will explore “an unknown world” and face “treacherous trials to unravel the mystery behind Athia.”

Forspoken is designed for the PlayStation 5 console. It will be released for PS5 and PC in 2022.

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