Clothing retailer Gap alerted customers via email that the first item in the Yeezy Gap collection is available for pre-order. The Yeezy Gap “Round Jacket” is made of recycled nylon. Its unisex and available in the United States only for $200.
Our estimated shipping date was listed as October 14, 2021. So, we’re already imagining sipping a Pumpkin Spice Latte while wearing our blue Yeezy Gap Jacket.
In the initial announcement of the partnership on June 26, 2020, Gap said:
Kanye West, a multi-industry creative entrepreneur, is poised to disrupt retail by bringing his YEEZY brand to millions of customers around the world through a partnership announced today with the iconic and globally recognized Gap brand. The YEEZY Gap line is expected to appear in Gap stores and in 2021.
Kayne worked in Gap store was a teen growing up, so this deal was personal. The retailer describes the partnership as “combining forces of two cultural icons.”