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CNN Celebrates Being The #1 Source of Digital News

CNN is touting the latest Comscore December 2020 release. According to the news network, they retained their #1 position in the news category in December, reaching 151 million unique visitors across desktop and mobile platforms.

Source: Comscore Media Metrix® Multi-Platform, Custom-Defined List, Total Digital Audience – Desktop Persons 2+ and Total Mobile Persons 13+, December 2020, U.S. Based on entity compared to a custom list of single brand competitors that are also in the News/Information Category. CNN Brand entity used prior to October 2018.

CNN reports that they saw double digit growth in U.S. Multi-Platform unique visitors in December 2020 vs. December 2019 (+14%), “in line with positive YoY growth trends from New York Times Brand, and”

Trouble for Fox News?

According to CNN, the Comscore data spells some trouble for its conservative rival, Fox News. The release says while’s unique audience increased 14% YOY in December, saw a -10% decrease comparing the same two periods. This was out of step with other competitors as well as New York Times, and saw YOY gains in December.

There have been reports that Fox News has since a “rare dip in dominance” in being the destination of conservative partisans. Other outlets catering to the same audience, such as Newsmax, have seen growing audiences.


CNN is rolling into the Biden-Harris administration with a head of steam. CNN has always shown enviable brand equity in media studies.

The news brand has made all the right moves in 2021 so far. Shuttering CNN Airport was inevitable in this rapidly changing world. CNN chief Jeff Zucker acknowledged the “new ways that people are consuming content on their personal devices” in making that decision.

CNN recently rolled out their team covering all aspects of Washington, from the White House to Congress.

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