Jim Cramer walked off the Squawk in the Street set during Wednesday morning’s show. The CNBC host was visibly frustrated as he briefly exited. Cramer later tweeted, “Too negative, had to walk off the set.. couldn’t take it. But @davidfaber pulled me back in”

When leaving the set initially, the CNBC Investing Club head said, “I’m leaving. Everything is horrible. I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to let you take it. It’s all horrible. Nobody likes anything. Everything is bad. The world is coming to an end.”
On his return, Cramer noted this statistic: 38% of the stocks are down more than 20%. In addition, there was plenty of bad news out of Ukraine. According to CNBC, the Dow sinks to the lowest level of the year amid the Ukraine crisis.
Co-hosts David Faber and Carl Quintanilla were good natured throughout the incident. CNBC’s Squawk on the Street airs on weekdays 9am to 11am ET. Furthermore, it is among the network’s most watched programs. The hosting trio broadcast Squawk from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.
Cramer’s loyal fans on Twitter were offering support. Kurt Hamler tweeted, “Keep pitching. This is nothing compared to 1987, the Tech Bubble and 2008. Stay the course”
The Mad Money host has been tweeting into the evening. Cramer recommended taking “a look at Peloton on the next dip with the new CEO, Barry McCarthy there’s a real chance for a reignition”